French Agency Data Breach: 10 Million People’s Affected.

Introduction In an alarming revelation, Pôle emploi, France’s governmental unemployment registration and financial aid agency, has recently brought to light a distressing data breach. This breach has led to the exposure of sensitive data belonging to a staggering 10 million individuals. The implications of this incident are far-reaching and demand immediate attention. This article delves […]

Social Engineering in Cybersecurity: The Art of Manipulation and Protection

Cyberattacks are a big worry in the digital world of today, where everything is related and technology is a big part of our lives. Social engineering stands out as a sneaky and sneaky way that hackers try to get what they want. Social engineering is a way for hackers to break through digital defences. It […]

Advanced Persistent Threats(APT). Threat Hunting

Unveiling Advanced Techniques In the ever-changing world of threat hunting, it’s not just important to stay ahead of possible threats; it’s a must. Keeping track of Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups is one of the most important problems that organizations have to deal with. These smart enemies use complicated plans to break into networks, steal […]